Namman Boxing油
一款專為拳擊運動員和運動愛好者而設的按摩油。它含有多種草本配方,如薄荷、丁香和樟腦等,能夠有效緩解肌肉酸痛、關節疼痛和背部不適。此外還能夠促進循環和放鬆肌肉,有助於恢復疲憊的身體。使用方法:擠取適當份量,塗抹在需要按摩的部位,輕輕按摩至吸收即可。建議在運動前後使用,或在需要舒緩肌肉酸痛時使用。 警告:僅供外用,請勿接觸眼睛和口腔。如有不適或敏感反應,請停止使用並諮詢醫生。請勿在傷口或損傷的皮膚上使用。請勿讓兒童接觸。 使用須知:請存放在陰涼乾燥的地方,避免陽光直射。開封後請儘快使用,以免品質受損。使用時請注意力度,避免造成過度按摩或拉傷肌肉。建議在使用前先進行皮膚測試,確認無不適後再使用。Warning: For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes and mouth. If discomfort or sensitivity occurs, please stop using and consult a doctor. Do not use on wounds or damaged skin. Keep out of reach of children. Usage notice: Please store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Once opened, please use it as soon as possible to avoid deterioration. Please pay attention to the pressure when using, to avoid over-massage or muscle strain. It is recommended to perform a skin test before use to confirm that there is no discomfort.